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The Annotations class provides functionality to load, save and query CVAT annotations.


  • Load and save CVAT XML annotation files
  • Track job status information
  • Query task completion status
  • Access image annotations


Loading Annotations

# Load annotations from XML file
annotations = Annotations.from_path("annotations.xml")

# Load annotations with job status
annotations = Annotations.from_path(

Querying Tasks and Images

# Get completed tasks and their images
completed_tasks = annotations.get_completed_tasks()
completed_images = annotations.get_images_from_completed_tasks()

# Get task status
task_status = annotations.get_task_status("1234")
# Returns: {"5678": "completed", "5679": "in_progress"}
# Create CVAT link for an image
link = annotations.create_cvat_link("image1.jpg")
# Returns: ""

API Reference


  • version: str - Version of the CVAT annotations format
  • project: Project - Project metadata and labels
  • tasks: List[Task] - List of tasks in the project
  • images: List[ImageAnnotation] - List of image annotations
  • job_status: List[JobStatus] - List of job status information



def from_path(
    xml_annotation_path: Union[str, Path],
    job_status_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None
) -> Annotations

Load annotations from XML file and optionally include job status information.


def get_task_status(self, task_id: str) -> Dict[str, str]

Get the status of all jobs for a given task. Returns a dictionary mapping job IDs to their states.


def get_completed_tasks(self) -> List[Task]

Get all tasks that have all jobs completed. A task is considered completed when all of its jobs are in the "completed" state.


def get_completed_task_ids(self) -> List[str]

Get IDs of all tasks that have all jobs completed.


def get_images_from_completed_tasks(self) -> List[ImageAnnotation]

Get all images from completed tasks.

def create_cvat_link(self, image_name: str) -> str

Create a CVAT link for the given image name. Returns a link in the format:{task_id}/jobs/{job_id}